www.octal7.com contact@octal7.com The tools and processes contained here in are provided as is and free of charge. They are not to be copied for distributed in whole or in part without the express written consent of Octal7 Inc. No warranty or guarantee is provided. The tools and related resources are not to be reverse engineered or used in a malicious manner. Octal7 Inc. reserves the right to collect usage and error data related to these tools. By possessing this collection, you agree to the terms of service and use stated here. In AutoCAD use either the APPLOAD or NETLOAD command to load the utilities. If using APPLOAD load the 'Octal7Tools.lsp' file. If using NETLOAD load the 'Octal7.AcLoader.dll' file. Once the utilities are loaded use the CMDLIST command to show an AutoCAD palette with documentation and a list of commands. Command List -CmdList BPDrive BatchDWGToDXF CmdLineClear CmdList CogoLabel ColorPointElevations CopyLayout CopyToLayout CrvOffsetPt DCAssign DXFName DelFrzLayers DelLayers DelOffLayers ECP Entitlement ExMeasure GeoPoint GeoPoint+ GeoPointAttributeFormat GeoPointFields GeoPointViewports GeoPointWeb GeoPoints GreebleExtrude InsertGeoPointData LLCogoBlock LLCogoText LLPoint LayerRGBToIndex LinePoints LoadGeoPoints LoadLLZRGBPoints PTravAL PTravBD PTravDD PTravDL PTravDisplay PTravEL PTravEOC PTravLF PTravLS PTravLabel PTravLoad PTravOptions PTravZD PlineBuffer PlineODElevation PlnIntersection PointList Proximity ProximityCircle ProximityPoint R3D90 RPASFlightPlan SetGoogleElevationAPIKey ShortenCurves ShowPointCoordinate Straighten TEP TxtMAC TxtMACGrip TxtMACSlide VPCenter WeedTopoPts XDExport XDPalette ZL